We are group healthcare insurance specialists.

Dramatically reduce your healthcare spend while driving employee engagement

For companies reliant on a large hourly workforce, traditional ACA compliant health insurance plans are unaffordable for both employers and employees. It doesn’t have to be this way. 

CBA clients reduce their annual healthcare spend by adopting our innovative and specifically curated healthcare programs.


The Affordable Care Act was a well intended first step to address many challenges facing the US healthcare system. While universal programs are never perfect, the ACA has been particularly troublesome for business reliant on a large hourly workforce, because employers and employees cannot afford the cost.

Restaurants are an illustrative example. ACA compliant restaurants on average: 

  • Contribute a minimum of $250 per participating employee.

  • Have 72% of employees opt out of coverage due to cost.

  • Have an average employee participation rate of 28%, which is well below the 40%-50% participation rate required by traditional insurers.

Corporate Benefits Alliance has built a medical insurance platform to specifically address these and other benefit issues for firms with large hourly workforces.


Navigating complex issues in the benefits ecosystem

We specialize in 16 industries and will help you navigate problematic aspects of your company sponsored benefits

  • Affordable Care Act compliance

  • High employee turnover rates

  • Minimal participation in company-sponsored medical plans

  • Medical plans that meet hourly employees needs

  • Inherent adverse selection problems to the detriment of the sponsoring employer

  • Disengaged employee population


Rounding out our value proposition

Tax Credit Identification and Processing 

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) offers Federal tax credits to business for hiring from certain groups.  An effective WOTC program can drive bottom line performance

Embracing the Tele-medicine Phenomenon

The nature of the pandemic forced us to adopt telemedicine at an unpresented rate. Seeing what telemedicine has done for the country, we integrated Teledoc into our programs to provide the most efficient and immediate access to primary healthcare. All of our members and their families enjoy unlimited access to Teladoc, the industry leader. 

Earned Wage Access

A solution to reduce turnover by 36% while improving your hiring efforts. Make life smoother for your workforce while addressing the crisis of labor shortages.


CBA has saved us millions on our company medical insurance. Our employees are happier, ACA compliance and reporting is managed for us, and we just completed our third renewal with no rate increase.

Without reservation, I recommend CBA and their healthcare insurance program.

-Sam Wafaa
Worldwide Souring Group, Inc.


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