• 100% ACA Compliant

  • Approximately 60% lower employer contribution cost

  • Emphasis on total first dollar employee coverage

  • $0.00 employee annual deductibles

  • Unlimited tele-health for member and family


For business leaders reliant on hourly, minimum wage employees, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been particularly troublesome. Simply put, employers and employees cannot afford it.

Restaurants are a prime example. On average, ACA compliant restaurants: 

  • Contribute a minimum of $250 per participating employee

  • Have 72% of employees opt out of coverage due to cost

  • Have an average employee participation rate of 28%, well below the 40%-50% participation rate required by traditional insurers

Corporate Benefits Alliance has designed the 5812 Healthcare Program specifically for mid-size and large employers with heavy reliance on minimum wage hourly employees. The result? On average, the employee participation rate is twice the national average and CBA clients significantly reduce their annual healthcare spend with adoption of the 5812 Healthcare Program.

Re-designed for an hourly workforce, the 5812 Healthcare Program is an innovative PPO that trades some catastrophic protection for total first dollar coverage. These hybrid plans pass all ACA requirements and restore affordability to the medical insurance options available to hourly workers. The plan pays 100% for an employee's primary care needs. Gone are the days of having to choose between catastrophic protection and basic medical care. Now, your employees can afford both.

Bottom Line Impact

We offer an array of six health insurance plans using hybrid PPO models we have created.

The 5812 Healthcare Program overcomes the unrealistic employee participation requirements of traditional PPO plans. The 5812 Healthcare Program does not have a minimum requirement. 

Substantial Savings – The illustration below highlights the dramatic reduction in employer contributions For comparison, we contrast the lowest cost Bronze PPO vs. our Bronze 5812 plan.

The example calculation table above estimates the business savings based on modeled assumptions for a staff of 1,000 minimum wage employees.  Use our savings calculator to enter details for your own organization and estimate how much money the 5812 Healthcare Program can save for your organization.