Corporate Benefits Alliance provides employee benefit solutions for companies reliant on a predominantly low wage, hourly workforce with high turnover. We help clients provide specifically curated healthcare programs their employees value and appreciate while reducing, often dramatically, their total annual healthcare spend.




ProVision Program

ProVision pioneered a hybrid group health plan which combines reference-based pricing (RBP) with the nation’s largest and most prestigious PPO network. ProVision is the first group health plan in the country to successfully integrate an RBP model with a national PPO network for practitioner and facility services.



5812 Healthcare Program

5812 Healthcare Program is an innovative PPO that trades some catastrophic protection for total first dollar coverage. This curated benefits program is designed to specifically address the issues unique to large and mid-size firms dependent on a large hourly workforce. All programs are fully ACA compliant, feature first-dollar coverage, and reduce annual healthcare expenditures by as much as 50%.  



Timely Access to Earned Wages

Reducing turnover, increasing productivity, and lowering healthcare costs are priorities for all businesses. Studies have shown that personal financial stress of employees is tied to job performance, health, absenteeism, and turnover. Research demonstrates that employer-sponsored fin-tech benefits, such as earned wage access, can provide more efficient, less costly, and more inclusive liquidity for working American families.  These are benefits employees value and have been shown to reduce both turnover and operating expenses.



Work Opportunity Tax Credits (WOTC)

The IRS declares “The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain targeted groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.”  We actively capture and administrate WOTC credits for our clients and identify the best options to apply them.




Teladoc is the leader in tele-medicine. With virtual access to doctors across all 50 states, your employees will be taken care of no matter where your business is located. Teladoc is able to provide comprehensive virtual care that allows your employees to come to work healthy without having to worry about missing work for a doctor’s appointment. Find out more of what Teladoc offers and see what Teladoc can do for your company.



Contact us. We would be honored to demonstrate our services and products.